Sending Files Black Night has a really complex "Send File" dialog box that you can open by selecting "Send File" from the "Send" menu. It's really complex because it allows you to choose multiple files to send, and you get to select which format you want to send it in. You can choose MacBinary, Smart Binary, BinHex 4.0, or Smart Text. However, note that these are only available with Black Night's built in file transfer tools. You can also choose which File Transfer Tool to use and what sort of host you are sending to. The host setting affects the declared filename and the type of line endings to use. Note that you should select the format before selecting the file, the host type can be selected at any time. MacBinary Black Night has a built in MacBinary Encoder. This is what you'll normally use if you are transfering a file to another Macintosh, or if you sending it somewhere where somebody else with a Macintosh is going to download it. MacBinary ensures that all the extra Macintosh information gets saved with the file (e.g. the icon, filename, label etc). A technical point, its actually a MacBinary II encoder. Smart Binary This is what you'll normally use if you are transfering a file to a DOS or UNIX computer, or if you sending it somewhere where somebody else with a DOS or UNIX computer is going to download it. Smart Binary simply adds the appropriate extension to the file name so the far end can tell what sort of file it is. Black Night uses Internet Config to work out what the file extension should be. BinHex 4.0 This format is similar to MacBinary except that it sends the Macintosh file as a look-alike text file so that it safely gets through electronic mail systems. Black Night's built in BinHex 4.0 encoder also supports Run Length Encoding, which helps reduce the size of the sent file. Black Night also adds the proper MIME 1.0 headers so that electronic mail systems know what the're dealing with. Smart Text Use Smart Text with text files that your sending to a DOS or UNIX computer. Smart Text will "wrap" text and insert the right sort of line endings so that the recipient can actually read the file. You can set the wrap parameters in the "Document Settings" dialog box.